Why dont they just have a cup of tea

I am sure the US election hysteria is getting on your nerves too..what if they just stopped and had a rest from the bickering over a cup of tea! so here is a little fun watercolour sketch I did this morning.

It was my eldest sons birthday yesterday so we had delicious cake.  In the morning I made this little decoration for my kitchen it smells lovely with all the orange and cinnamon..it will soon be time to make mulled wine and mince pies as Winter draws in.

Happy tea Tuesday


Simple watercolour when you have had enough and “the sense of anguish consumed my breathing”…to read the poem  “Relent”  that this collaborates with click here

Happy Paint Party Friday


18 thoughts on “Why dont they just have a cup of tea

  1. I love your fun watercolour and sentiment – wonderful! Wishing your son a happy birthday for yesterday, the cake looks delicious! Your kitchen decoration is so pretty and orange and cinnamon are my two favourite scents – perfect! Happy T Day! J 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday to your son. Love the water colour you made, that would be better for everyone if they sat down and talked about their differences like civilized people! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Happy belated birthday to your son. I hope the cake was as good as it looked. I bet your adorable decoration, which reminds me of a pomander, smells as lovely as it looks.

    I agree that this has been the absolute worst election I’ve seen in my lifetime, but I believe your beautiful watercolor says it better than all the ads we’ve seen here. This is not just beautiful, it shows hope. Thanks for sharing your son’s birthday cake, your pomander, and your incredible watercolor painting with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. Its a fun water colour sketch, we would all get on better I think taking time to listen and talk to each other.
    The cake looks delicious.
    Happy T day

  5. Hysteria is right…and I love your idea! wish we could breathe a sigh of relief now that the election is over, but I fear the media is going to be predicting the sky to fall for the next four years. *sigh* Love your drawing…happy T day a bit late!

  6. I love your warm, delightful post with the cup of tea watercoloring and the delicious cake and the beautiful decoration. I can feel the lovely odour there.
    Happy PPF ❤

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