weaving connection

A busy week visiting farms and having a go at weaving which I love.  My aubergine growing in the greenhouse is getting quite big now so hoping to make ratatouille with it soon along with the courgettes I am growing.  I painted a watercolour last night about the importance of connection..the words read “every connection tempered with wonder” and is inspired by the poem Tired by Philip Waldron..click here to read the poem and see a bigger version of the painting.

Happy Paint Party Friday

8 thoughts on “weaving connection

  1. How wonderful post. Love the poem and your art. Weaving is Gorgeous!
    What is wonderful too, is that I just posted my page of Connecting. It’s for Spirit Art-challenge.
    Happy weekend xx

  2. I have always had such respect for weavers. I have had many friends who do this as I am a spinner working from the fleece. Your piece is so pretty, and I love the purple and lavender. Your watercolor reminds me of the etegami I am learning to do. Simplistic with a meaningful saying attached. Yours is so true. genie

  3. hello Lorraine! I have mistakenly left a lengthy post for “you” on Philips site, thinking it was also yours. I apologize for that and hope you will see it there and explain to him it was all in good will – and that his poem spoke to me in unison with your art. Peace for all! Samara

hello, I love comments and will visit your blog too